Durability performance

耐久性是防止建筑物结构和构件随着时间的推移而恶化,维护建筑物安全的关键, comfort and health of your family.

External wall material

Maintenance of external wall tiles is needed once every 30 to 40 years, simply in terms of masonry joint repair

瓷砖是装饰外墙的上乘材料, 给它们一个高质量和膨胀的外观,以及防止紫外线和酸雨. 十大赌博娱乐平台在海姆的外墙使用瓷砖,以提高耐久性和防水性能. For these purposes, 瓷砖用防水弹性环氧胶粘剂粘接在防水SFC板上, thus eliminating pointed joints. 瓷砖在工厂固定到位,以保持恒定的性能质量. 由于用于海姆的瓷砖具有良好的表面不规则性,以保持其高亲水性, they remain clean for a long period, and unlike painted external walls and siding board external walls, this may considerably reduce the amount of maintenance work, such as waterproofing and repainting, which may be required.

What is the hydrophilic property?

这意味着一种现象,即在材料表面形成一层薄薄的水膜. Once the water spreads all over the surface, this prevents stains caused by rain from sticking to the surface.



紫外线会对外墙涂膜产生不良影响,降低其防水性能,破坏其美观性. 普通粉刷外墙大约每十年需要重新粉刷一次, 而用于海姆外墙的UVA涂层则采用了一种方法,在彩色基础层(搪瓷基础层)上涂上一层含有紫外线吸收剂的厚而透明的面漆. The coating allows few UV rays to penetrate to the enamel base, extending the repainting interval to approximately once every 20 years*, namely twice as long as that of ordinary paining, 保持外墙的美观和防水性能.

  • *Our test figure, which may vary depending on the environment.

Comparison between UVA coating and ordinary painting


杜拉石墙是由高岭土制成的,高岭土是一种用于医药和化妆品的天然材料. The kaolin is initially burnt to extract impurities, and mixed with hardener, 填充物和发泡剂经粉碎后通过化学反应使其发泡和硬化. Dula stonewall is impervious and requires no coating, 因为它由细小的粒子组成,并且有非常小的独立的气泡. For resistance to UV rays and acid rain, 考虑到日本的天气状况,它可能是最适合做外墙的材料, which change drastically from winter to summer. It also has high hydrophilic property, which can prevent grease, such as oily dust and auto-exhaust, from sticking. 这种特性,再加上它的耐用性,降低了维护成本.

External wall structure to prevent harmful dew condensation

墙体内的结露加速了保温材料的劣化,降低了建筑的保温效率. However, Heim's inner walls prevent the intrusion of moisture from rooms, since they are finished with moisture-proof plasterboards. In case intrusion should happen, 板子的半密封空气空间被设计用来排出湿气,保持墙壁内部干燥.

Structural unit


采用的防腐处理对钢框架的耐久性有很大的影响. SEKISUI HEIM的梁和柱由高耐腐蚀镀钢制成, 这意味着它的防腐耐久性是普通锌铝熔合镀金的两倍, with an expected useful life as long as 140 years. In addition, 因为海姆的柱子和横梁是在最少暴露于室外空气的条件下在工厂制造和组装的, the actual useful time may be even longer.

  • *Our test figure, which may vary depending on the environment.

New generation anti-corrosion treatment, the characteristics of high corrosion-resistant plated steel

In case a steel frame is damaged, zinc, aluminum and magnesium in the gilded layer are melted, where they protect the steel (this is called sacrifice anti-corrosion). At the welded part, 镀金层中的镁也会融化到修复后的金属表面,形成有效的保护膜, 对切割表面和加工场所提供牺牲的防腐.


We use high corrosion-resistant plated steel, 哪些符合3级变质控制标准,使用寿命为75年, for all steel frames constructing Heim, 这意味着高耐腐蚀镀钢框架结构的75年耐久性已通过《娱乐大发澳门赌博平台》的验证. Among ordinary gilded and painted steel plates, only high corrosion-resistant plated steel, which is 2.3mm厚,可满足3级变质控制标准,耐用75年

  • *变质控制等级3:为延长期限需要重大改造的等级措施, such as replacement of the material used for structural skeletons
  • *使用寿命:用于维护的结构达到老化极限之前的年数.

Roofing material

Hyper dulatic roof, which semi-permanently requires no re-roofing

海姆型平屋顶采用超弹性屋顶,延长了耐久性和高耐候性. 十大赌博娱乐平台使用不锈钢屋顶材料,这种材料也用于圆顶建筑和大型建筑. 这种材料的耐腐蚀性比用于外部构件的普通不锈钢高4倍左右. 该材料的腐蚀程度已被证明小于0.2mm per century, even in areas damaged by seawater, such as Okinawa.

Only sealing of lean-to roofs is required for roof maintenance

普通瓦片屋顶需要每10年重新粉刷一次,每30年重新铺顶或更换瓦片,以保持建筑物的美观和防水. However, the hyper dulatic roof, the Heim's stainless steel roof, 除了每20年对斜屋顶进行密封外,屋顶周围不需要任何维护工作*.

  • *Our test figure, which may vary depending on the environment.

Ceramic roof tiles with high durability and bruck roofing material

We also have high durability roofing material for sloped roof. 十大赌博娱乐平台的瓦片电池是由塑料制成的,以满足耐用性规范. 砖屋顶材料抗冲击,基材可以使用40年以上,尽管每20到30年需要重新粉刷一次.